Thursday, January 29, 2009


Something you may have noticed in your life is that you can't avoid interacting with people. Either family, friends, classmates, teachers, bosses, other drivers on the road, the lady at the bank. During these interactions, I have noticed that not everyone thinks and does the same things. It is necessary that a person know how to compromise, especially when dealing with relationships (between family, friends, and significant others).

Depending on how you are brought up, you have a unique sense of how things should happen. I mean that some people are brought up thinking that everything should go their way; compromising for them can be difficult. It's important to know that they really are not to blame, it was upbringing. But everyone also needs to realize that you can't just go around blaming everything on your parents/guardians. If you always want everything your way, sure that's who you are, but you need to be aware of it, and do your best to make things fair. There is no reason that one person should always get their way no matter how they were raised.

Depending on the things people value, some situations may be easier to compromise about than others. If a couple both promised dinner Friday to different people, one to a boss and the other to a family member, depending on what each partner thinks is most important will depend on where they are willing to compromise. Some people would say, "Well duh, family comes first" while others might think, "Well your family will always love you and be there for you, maybe there is a new position open that one is trying to suck up about." There are many factors for both people involved and both need to try to just stop and review the important things from both perspectives and discuss the options. For people who get heated about things quickly, this would be difficult.

Here is another blog by Todd, where he makes suggestions about how to compromise.

Do you compromise well? Why or why not?
Do the people around you agree?

Leave your thoughts!


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